15th Bickley Harvest Festival

Well the rain came. But fortunately so did the festive spirit! We had hundreds through our doors - many of them regular faces - to sample the last of the Piesse Brook wines and the first of the Aldersyde wines.

harvest festival_internet.jpgTastings were run this year so people could get a good understanding of the workings of our winery. Mum and Uncle Ray conducted Piesse Brook tastings from the top part of the winery while Tetka Desa and I ran the Aldersyde tastings from the cellar with the barrels.

Visitors could see the wines in tank and oak and come to grips with winemaking processes. Some keen goers even went for a walk through fairly sodden vineyard rows to look at our vines from the 1970s.

Bragging rights go to my Tetka Desa who worked like a Trojan over the weekend. Hvala lepo moja tetka!

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This page contains a single entry by Lara Bray published on May 10, 2012 8:35 PM.

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